Nyte – custom made luxury cock rings, butt plugs, sounding rods and other sexiness, designed by Maarten, silversmith from the Netherlands.
I studied silversmithing in 1997 at de Vakschool in Schoonhoven, the Netherlands. In 2018 I started Nyte, first from my home studio.
The first cock ring that I made was the Figg cock ring.
My first rings were very lightweight and thin. I discovered that guys also like to have something more heavy, that’s why I designed the middle weight rings Ymir and Odin and of course the heavy weight Jotan and Ratatoskr.
After 1,5 years my studio wasn’t big enough, so Nyte moved to an awesome atelier in a forest in Arnhems buiten.
I like to do almost everything myself, a lot of jewelry makers don’t cast their items, sheet metal or make their wires. It’s very time consuming and costs a lot of blood, sweat and tears, and of course very dirty hands. A lot of people think jewelry making is very fancy, it isn’t! but that’s the way I like it.